Apply to be a Reviewer

FringeReview welcomes applications to join our review team.

Reviewing is unpaid, though of course, you get your free ticket to the show.

You agree to post the review, according to our policy within 48 hours of seeing a show.

Reviewers on FringeReview know their theatre and work, or have recently worked as theatre practioners – writers, directors, theatremakers, performers.

To apply, email us as follows:

Paul Levy


Send us a C.V and a sample of recent writing, ideally a couple of theatre reviews.

We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

It’s very important you read the documents on this resource site, especially our reviews policy which you’ll have to agree to, before writing for our team.

So, to summarise:

1. Read our reviews policy

2. Ensure you meet our requirements listed above

3. Drop us an email with CV and writing samples attached.

We look forward to hearing from you.